
financing nature

Financing Nature

The Financing Nature report, published in 2020, is a collaboration between Cornell University, the Paulson Institute, and the Nature Conservancy. The Report addresses the economic case for protecting nature and quantifies the financing gap between the current capital flows towards biodiversity and the funds needed to sustainably manage biodiversity and maintain ecosystems. It elucidates nine financial policy mechanisms that may play a role in closing this gap, highlighting the need for stakeholder collaboration and appropriate valuation.

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Conservation Finance 2021: An Unfolding Opportunity

In this first edition of the Conservation Finance report, the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation (CPIC) aims to provide an up-to-date analysis of both demand and supply in the conservation finance sector. We seek to characterize what typical return-seeking investments in conservation look like today, as well as the most promising and scalable projects and finance mechanisms for interested investors.

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